Peace, Love And Harmony: The Bedrock For A Better Nigeria.
Peace, Love And Harmony: The Bedrock For A Better Nigeria. "To build a nation where race and justice shall reign!" I would sing this line with so much enthusiasm when I was younger. I knew peace was good so I wanted a peaceful country to live in. I wanted in because the national anthem says so. I recently saw a movie which centred on Niger Delta oil degradation based on a true-life story and I got a simple message. We cannot give what we do not have. Peace Love and Harmony are choices of mankind. Peace is possessed jointly by humanity. We choose to have peace, it cannot start on its own. It is only when we have peace of mind that everything falls into place. Many Nigerians lack peace of mind and act in accordance with pressure. Where there is peace, there is the base for the full potential of individuals, the full realization of creativity and true security of oneself. Our country is deprived of national peace because of the lack of peace of mind, not just citizens but lead...