My Wobbly Instagram Journey.

Instagram has always been one of my favourite media tools. I love how there’s such a diversity of pictures and creators. To each their tea because not everyone likes it and that’s understandable. It’s like my relationship with Twitter. 

I’m on Twitter sometimes twice in a week. It’s was during #ENDSARS protest, I started daily posting on there but I digress. My point is not everyone likes IG and that’s fine. 

My growth journey in 2020 has come in multiple facets. When I say 2020, I’m including the notorious events that have occurred but I’m choosing to focus on the hidden good.

One of them for me is content creation. 

I used to love writing. I still do(hey, you’re reading my words). But I always thought I was doing myself a favour by writing and just keeping them. I had made attempts at joining a club and sharing my work once in a while, but I wasn’t after an audience because I thought it sucked. Some growth and reaffirmation later, I’m pressing on.

IG was one of the helping factors. I’m on a journey to build a community that I can grow with, share my journey, faith and things that excite me through words and pictures. 

How do they all tie up? Precisely 4 months ago, I couldn’t just do it!

I thought everyone else who was talking about how they overcame their fear of uncertainties and just started, was bluffing. I didn’t want to look like a beginner. I was frightened by what people will think and how I would look. 

It’s okay to be afraid of taking first steps but don’t let it blur your end goal. 

You’ve heard “Just do it” more times than you may even recall, but what makes this special is I’m the one telling you! Okay I’m probably thinking too highly of myself (lol). 

For real though, it’s fine to start out and keep figuring out on the way. Sometimes those things we so set our minds strongly on, and use as excuses to not do something are not the main things!

A favourite content creator of mine, Salem King, wrote in his book, “Clarity will come on the way”. 

You won’t figure it all out before you do it, it’s while you’re doing it!

Watch out for more of my thoughts on this.

From the hands of a girl who took the step finally, just do it!

PS- You can find me on @scarletree living a step at a time.


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