Why you haven’t taken your writing to the next level.


Most times we look at great writers and admire them.  We are mostly marveled at the feat some of these renowned writers have achieved,  and we keep wondering if we will ever get there. They all started from somewhere and the most common thing about them all is that they have been very consistent.  

What if I told you that we have more opportunities now to be very successful in our writing career, would you believe?  

Here are my reasons  

Those early writers had limited opportunities to be heard because the use of the internet wasn’t popular as at then.  In our own case,  we have different social media platforms to express ourselves  and be heard.  

There was limited sites that paid writers then.  They had to go extra mile to get their works published.  

They had few audience then because, not everyone strolls into a bookshop to get a book.  

What advantage do we have now as writers? 

Our voices can be heard through different platforms  

So many people offering opportunities to creative writers.  

You can earn in six figures even without publishing your first book.  

Why have you not taken your writing to the next level?  

1. You are scared – If I am not mistaken, for you to click on this write up and read to this level, then you really need to take your writing to the next level.  So now stop being scared, and know that you are enough.  The world is yearning to read your ideas.  So get it out no matter how shallow it may sound.  

2. You lack information – The popular saying that knowledge is power is no longer new, yet it is the one of the wisest things you will ever hear.   

Do you know that there are so many sites that pay now just for people to help them create content? Have you heard of freelancer, or upwork? If you have not,  it means you really lack information.  If you have,  and you are not yet utilizing the opportunity, then you are wallowing in self doubt.  

3. You are not developing yourself – Have you taken any course on copy writing,  content creation or the likes?  You need to upgrade yourself.  

4. You are all over the place- Another reason could be because you lack focus.  Find your niche and develop it.  


Start working on the highlighted points so far.  We are all waiting for you to break out and enrich yourself with your God given talent.   

We will break down the opportunities in our next write up.


  1. What if writing is not my thing?

    1. You will have other talents that can earn you money

      You just have to discover it

  2. Nice. What if after working on the highlighted points and there's still no break out or you still can't seem to be having fun writing.

  3. Nice write-up. No2 should be clearly emphasized

  4. This is insightful. Lots of salient points to take with me. Thanks


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